What I Ate Wednesday 24.12.2015

Okay, I screwed up.
Yesterday, I had planned out this post, got all the photos and when so ready to write it and fully catch up with my blogmas plan...and then the internet crashed.
It's almost like I am destined to know fail this, but never mind, lets just trooper on and pretend that it's still Wednesday.
Breakfast was quite a dull little affair of a banana and a cup of pineapple and grapefruit green tea.
Usually, I do have a more adequate breakfast, but yesterday, I just couldn't be bothered.
This was then followed by snacking on some grapes and having my advent calendar chocolates.
I had a slightly bigger lunch of jacketed sweet potato with left over lentil chilli.
I absolutely LOVE sweet potatoes, and they are so good jacketed.
As you can tell by the blurry and poorly framed photo, I also coated this with a tonne of sour cream, but that's only because I always make chilli far too spicy.
For dinner, I kinda cheated yesterday, and ended up having two.
First, I went to the pub and had a few pints with my parents (because I'm cool like that).
I then came home and cooked up some sweet chilli noodles and tuna, which was delicious, just not very filling.
I then went to go to bed, but my stomach kept growling for more food, and then I ended up having Chinese.
I know, I know, I'm awful. But when I'm hungry and have had a drink, I become a monster.
I feel like if these posts continue, I'm going to have to improve my diet - which I am planning to do after Christmas


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