Dealing with Regret
Guilt. It’s one of those things that is easy to allow to completely consume you, especially when, like me, you suffer from mental illness. As I sit here writing this, tears remain stained along my cheeks, and this inevitable feeling of me being the worse human alive is sucking the soul away from my core. Yet still, I believe I can offer advice. Guilt and regret are the two main emotions that engulf my everyday life, whether surrounding something major, such as the way I have treated people in the past, or something minor, like accidentally knocking into someone and taking longer than two seconds to apologise; however, years of living with this have taught me ways to stop the overwhelming feeling from completely taking over. So here is my advice: Take some time out to fully think about what has happened. It is easy to be irrational when feeling such a strong level of emotion, so allow yourself some recovery time. If you regret something you said or done, contact the pe...